Source code for ndspy.soundArchive

# Copyright 2019 RoadrunnerWMC
# This file is part of ndspy.
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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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Support for SDAT sound archives.

import itertools
import struct

from . import _common
from . import soundBank
from . import soundGroup
from . import soundSequence
from . import soundSequenceArchive
from . import soundSequencePlayer
from . import soundStream
from . import soundStreamPlayer
from . import soundWaveArchive

[docs]class SDAT: """ A sound data archive file (SDAT). """ def __init__(self, data=None): self.sequences = [] self.sequenceArchives = [] self.banks = [] self.waveArchives = [] self.sequencePlayers = [] self.groups = [] self.streamPlayers = [] self.streams = [] self.fatLengthsIncludePadding = False self.firstFileAlignment = None self.fileAlignment = 0x20 self.padAtEnd = True # only inaccurate 3rd party tools change # this from the default, but we support it # anyway self.padSymbSizeTo4InSDATHeader = False # same as above if data is not None: self._initFromData(data) def _initFromData(self, data): """ Initialize the SDAT using the raw file data given. """ # Read the standard header magic, bom, version, filesize, headersize, numblocks = \ _common.NDS_STD_FILE_HEADER.unpack_from(data, 0) if version != 0x100: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported SDAT version: {version}') if magic != b'SDAT': raise ValueError("Wrong magic (should be b'SDAT', instead found " f'{magic})') # Read the block offsets and sizes (symbolsBlockOffset, symbolsBlockSize, infoBlockOffset, infoBlockSize, fatBlockOffset, fatBlockSize, fileBlockOffset, fileBlockSize, ) = struct.unpack_from('<8I', data, 0x10) # Read the symbols block (symbolsMagic, symbolsSize) = \ struct.unpack_from('<4sI', data, symbolsBlockOffset) if symbolsBlockOffset != 0: symbolsOffsets = struct.unpack_from('<8I', data, symbolsBlockOffset + 8) assert symbolsMagic == b'SYMB', f'Incorrect SDAT SYMB magic ({symbolsMagic})' else: symbolsOffsets = [None] * 8 lastEndOfString = 0 # relative to SYMB block def readSymbolsList(offset, hasSubgroups): """ Read a list of symbols at offset offset. If hasSubgroups, it'll be parsed assuming that the symbol table has entries for sub-symbol-lists as well. (In practice, this only occurs for SSARs.) If there are no symbols, return an empty list. """ nonlocal lastEndOfString if offset is None: return [] off = symbolsBlockOffset + offset count, = struct.unpack_from('<I', data, off); off += 4 symbols = [] for i in range(count): symbolOff, = struct.unpack_from('<I', data, off) off += 4 if symbolOff == 0: thisSymbol = None else: thisSymbol = _common.loadNullTerminatedStringFrom(data, symbolsBlockOffset + symbolOff) lastEndOfString = symbolOff + len(thisSymbol) + 1 if not hasSubgroups: symbols.append(thisSymbol) else: subSymbolsOff, = struct.unpack_from('<I', data, off) off += 4 if subSymbolsOff == 0: subSymbols = [] else: subSymbols = readSymbolsList(subSymbolsOff, False) symbols.append((thisSymbol, subSymbols)) return symbols # Read the FAT block (fatMagic, fatSize, fatCount) = \ struct.unpack_from('<4sII', data, fatBlockOffset) assert fatMagic == b'FAT ', f'Incorrect SDAT "FAT " magic ({fatMagic})' # note trailing space # Read the files from the FILES block files = [] fatArrayPos = fatBlockOffset + 0x0C self.fileAlignment = 0x200 self.fatLengthsIncludePadding = True finalFileEnd = fileBlockOffset + 8 for i in range(fatCount): (fileOffset, fileSize) = \ struct.unpack_from('<II', data, fatArrayPos) fatArrayPos += 0x10 # There's 8 pad bytes. # We'll need this later finalFileEnd = fileOffset + fileSize if i != fatCount - 1: nextOffset, = struct.unpack_from('<I', data, fatArrayPos) paddedSize = nextOffset - fileOffset if paddedSize != fileSize: self.fatLengthsIncludePadding = False # Most SDATs require files to be padded to 0x20, but some # use other amounts. We check for that here, so that we can # rebuild it correctly later. if fileOffset % 0x200 == 0x100: self.fileAlignment = min(self.fileAlignment, 0x100) if fileOffset % 0x100 == 0x80: self.fileAlignment = min(self.fileAlignment, 0x80) if fileOffset % 0x80 == 0x40: self.fileAlignment = min(self.fileAlignment, 0x40) if fileOffset % 0x40 == 0x20: self.fileAlignment = min(self.fileAlignment, 0x20) if fileOffset % 0x20 == 0x10: self.fileAlignment = min(self.fileAlignment, 0x10) if fileOffset % 0x10 == 8: self.fileAlignment = min(self.fileAlignment, 8) if fileOffset % 8 == 4: self.fileAlignment = min(self.fileAlignment, 4) if fileOffset % 4 == 2: self.fileAlignment = min(self.fileAlignment, 2) if fileOffset % 2 == 1: # yes, this happens sometimes self.fileAlignment = min(self.fileAlignment, 1) if i == 0: self.firstFileAlignment = self.fileAlignment file = data[fileOffset : fileOffset + fileSize] files.append(file) if self.firstFileAlignment == self.fileAlignment: self.firstFileAlignment = None # Check if the end is definitely unpadded (that is, if there # should be padding and it's not present) if finalFileEnd == len(data) and finalFileEnd % self.fileAlignment != 0: self.padAtEnd = False # Do another quick pass to find if the FAT file lengths include # padding # Read the info block (infoMagic, infoSize) = \ struct.unpack_from('<4sI', data, infoBlockOffset) infoOffsets = struct.unpack_from('<8I', data, infoBlockOffset + 8) assert infoMagic == b'INFO', f'Incorrect SDAT INFO magic ({infoMagic})' def getInfoEntryOffsets(partNum): off = infoOffsets[partNum] count, = struct.unpack_from('<I', data, infoBlockOffset + off) entryOffsets = struct.unpack_from(f'<{count}I', data, infoBlockOffset + off + 4) for entryOff in entryOffsets: if entryOff == 0: yield None else: yield infoBlockOffset + entryOff # Info part 0: SSEQ (references SBNK) for entryOff, symb in itertools.zip_longest(getInfoEntryOffsets(0), readSymbolsList(symbolsOffsets[0], False)): if entryOff is None: sseq = None else: (fileID, unk02, bankID, volume, channelPressure, polyphonicPressure, playerID) = \ struct.unpack_from('<3H4B', data, entryOff) sseq = soundSequence.SSEQ(files[fileID], unk02, bankID, volume, channelPressure, polyphonicPressure, playerID) sseq.dataMergeOptimizationID = fileID self.sequences.append((symb, sseq)) # Info part 1: SSAR for entryOff, symb in itertools.zip_longest(getInfoEntryOffsets(1), readSymbolsList(symbolsOffsets[1], True)): if entryOff is None: ssar = None else: fileID, unk02 = struct.unpack_from('<HH', data, entryOff) subSymb = symb[1] if symb is not None else None ssar = soundSequenceArchive.SSAR(files[fileID], unk02, subSymb) ssar.dataMergeOptimizationID = fileID name = symb[0] if symb is not None else None self.sequenceArchives.append((name, ssar)) # Info part 2: SBNK for entryOff, symb in itertools.zip_longest(getInfoEntryOffsets(2), readSymbolsList(symbolsOffsets[2], False)): if entryOff is None: sbnk = None else: fileID, unk02 = struct.unpack_from('<HH', data, entryOff) swarIDs = struct.unpack_from('<4h', data, entryOff + 4) swarIDs2 = [] for x in swarIDs: if x == -1: swarIDs2.append(None) else: swarIDs2.append(x) sbnk = soundBank.SBNK(files[fileID], unk02, swarIDs2) sbnk.dataMergeOptimizationID = fileID self.banks.append((symb, sbnk)) # Info part 3: SWAR for entryOff, symb in itertools.zip_longest(getInfoEntryOffsets(3), readSymbolsList(symbolsOffsets[3], False)): if entryOff is None: swar = None else: fileID, unk02 = struct.unpack_from('<HH', data, entryOff) swar = soundWaveArchive.SWAR(files[fileID], unk02) swar.dataMergeOptimizationID = fileID self.waveArchives.append((symb, swar)) # Info part 4: Sequence players for entryOff, symb in itertools.zip_longest(getInfoEntryOffsets(4), readSymbolsList(symbolsOffsets[4], False)): if entryOff is None: sp = None else: maxSequences, channelMask, heapSize = \ struct.unpack_from('<HHI', data, entryOff) channels = set() for i in range(16): if (channelMask >> i) & 1: channels.add(i) sp = soundSequencePlayer.SequencePlayer(maxSequences, channels, heapSize) self.sequencePlayers.append((symb, sp)) # Info part 5: Groups for groupOff, symb in itertools.zip_longest(getInfoEntryOffsets(5), readSymbolsList(symbolsOffsets[5], False)): if groupOff is None: entries = None else: entriesCount, = struct.unpack_from('<I', data, groupOff) entries = [] arrayOff = groupOff + 4 for i in range(entriesCount): type, options, id = struct.unpack_from('<BHxI', data, arrayOff) arrayOff += 8 entries.append(soundGroup.GroupEntry(type, options, id)) self.groups.append((symb, entries)) # Info part 6: Stream players for entryOff, symb in itertools.zip_longest(getInfoEntryOffsets(6), readSymbolsList(symbolsOffsets[6], False)): if entryOff is None: sp = None else: count, = struct.unpack_from('<B', data, entryOff) channels = list( struct.unpack_from(f'<{count}B', data, entryOff + 1)) sp = soundStreamPlayer.StreamPlayer(channels) self.streamPlayers.append((symb, sp)) # Info part 7: Streams for entryOff, symb in itertools.zip_longest(getInfoEntryOffsets(7), readSymbolsList(symbolsOffsets[7], False)): if entryOff is None: strm = None else: fileID, unk02, volume, priority, playerID, unk07 = \ struct.unpack_from('<HH4B', data, entryOff) strm = soundStream.STRM(files[fileID], unk02, volume, priority, playerID, unk07) strm.dataMergeOptimizationID = fileID self.streams.append((symb, strm)) # If the symbols block size is definitely padded, record that if symbolsBlockSize % 4 == 0 and lastEndOfString % 4 != 0: self.padSymbSizeTo4InSDATHeader = True
[docs] @classmethod def fromFile(cls, filePath): """ Load an SDAT from a filesystem file. """ with open(filePath, 'rb') as f: return cls(
[docs] def save(self): """ Generate file data representing this SDAT. """ # First, just allocate enough memory for the SDAT header. data = bytearray(0x40) # ------------------- # Make the SYMB block symbolsStringTable = bytearray() def addSymbolAndGetOffset(symbol): if symbol is None: return -1 offset = len(symbolsStringTable) symbolsStringTable.extend(symbol.encode('latin-1') + b'\0') return offset symbolsHeaderOffsets = [] # Parallel arrays, here. symbolsTableValues = [] shouldIncrementByTableLen = [] anySymbolsInWholeFile = False def addSymbolsFrom(namedList, nested=False): # First, figure out if any actual symbols exist anyActualSymbols = False anyActualSubsymbols = False if not nested: for symbol, _ in namedList: if symbol is not None: anyActualSymbols = True break else: for symbol, entry in namedList: if symbol is not None: anyActualSymbols = True break for subSymbol, subEntry in entry.sequences: if subSymbol is not None: anyActualSubsymbols = True break nonlocal anySymbolsInWholeFile anySymbolsInWholeFile |= anyActualSymbols anySymbolsInWholeFile |= anyActualSubsymbols # If there *are* any symbols, keep going symbolsHeaderOffsets.append(len(symbolsTableValues) * 4) if not nested: symbolsTableValues.append(len(namedList)) shouldIncrementByTableLen.append(False) for symbol, _ in namedList: symbolsTableValues.append(addSymbolAndGetOffset(symbol)) shouldIncrementByTableLen.append(True) else: mainList, subListsArea = [], [] mainListSIBTL, subListsAreaSIBTL = [], [] mainList.append(len(namedList)) mainListSIBTL.append(False) mainListFullLength = (1 + 2 * len(namedList)) * 4 subListsAreaOffset = (0x40 + len(symbolsTableValues) * 4 + mainListFullLength) for symbol, entry in namedList: mainList.append(addSymbolAndGetOffset(symbol)) mainListSIBTL.append(True) subListOffset = subListsAreaOffset + len(subListsArea) * 4 if entry is None: subNames = [] else: subNames = [n for (n, s) in entry.sequences] if entry or subNames: subListsArea.append(len(subNames)) subListsAreaSIBTL.append(False) for subSymbol in subNames: subListsArea.append(addSymbolAndGetOffset(subSymbol)) subListsAreaSIBTL.append(True) mainList.append(subListOffset) mainListSIBTL.append(False) else: mainList.append(0) mainListSIBTL.append(False) symbolsTableValues.extend(mainList) symbolsTableValues.extend(subListsArea) shouldIncrementByTableLen.extend(mainListSIBTL) shouldIncrementByTableLen.extend(subListsAreaSIBTL) addSymbolsFrom(self.sequences) addSymbolsFrom(self.sequenceArchives, True) addSymbolsFrom(self.banks) addSymbolsFrom(self.waveArchives) addSymbolsFrom(self.sequencePlayers) addSymbolsFrom(self.groups) addSymbolsFrom(self.streamPlayers) addSymbolsFrom(self.streams) # Only add the SYMB block if there are any symbols if anySymbolsInWholeFile: symbolsBlockOffset = len(data) symbolsTableLen = len(symbolsTableValues) * 4 symbolsTable = bytearray() for value, shouldIncrement in itertools.zip_longest(symbolsTableValues, shouldIncrementByTableLen): if value == -1: symbolsTable.extend(b'\0\0\0\0') else: if shouldIncrement: value += symbolsTableLen + 0x40 symbolsTable.extend(struct.pack('<I', value)) symbolsBlockSize = 0x40 + len(symbolsTable) + len(symbolsStringTable) paddedSymbSize = symbolsBlockSize while paddedSymbSize % 4: paddedSymbSize += 1 if self.padSymbSizeTo4InSDATHeader: symbolsBlockSize = paddedSymbSize symbolsHeaderOffsetsTable = bytearray() for value in symbolsHeaderOffsets: if value is None: symbolsHeaderOffsetsTable.extend(b'\0\0\0\0') else: symbolsHeaderOffsetsTable.extend(struct.pack('<I', value + 0x40)) symbolsHeader = struct.pack('<4sI', b'SYMB', paddedSymbSize) data.extend(symbolsHeader) data.extend(symbolsHeaderOffsetsTable) data.extend(b'\0' * 0x18) data.extend(symbolsTable) data.extend(symbolsStringTable) else: symbolsBlockOffset = None symbolsBlockSize = None # ------------------- # Make the INFO block while len(data) % 4: data.append(0) infoBlockOffset = len(data) # Add room to add the header later data.extend(b'\0' * (8 + 8 * 4)) # Pad to 0x20 relative to the INFO block, for some reason while (len(data) - infoBlockOffset) % 0x20: data.append(0) # Helper functions def info_declarePart(partNumber): struct.pack_into('<I', data, infoBlockOffset + 8 + 4 * partNumber, len(data) - infoBlockOffset) def addFileAndGetID(file, dataMergeOptimizationID): idx = _common.listFind(files, file) while idx != -1: if dataMergeOptimizationID == fileMergeIDs[idx]: return idx idx = _common.listFind(files, file, idx + 1) files.append(file) fileMergeIDs.append(dataMergeOptimizationID) return len(files) - 1 # We encode sections out of order, so that the files will be in # the same order as in retail SDATs. fileMergeIDs = [] files = [] # Info part 0: SSEQ info_declarePart(0) data.extend(struct.pack('<I', len(self.sequences))) sseqOffsetsTableOffset = len(data) data.extend(b'\0' * (4 * len(self.sequences))) for i, (_, sseq) in enumerate(self.sequences): if sseq is None: entryOff = 0 else: entryOff = len(data) - infoBlockOffset (file, unk02, bankID, volume, channelPressure, polyphonicPressure, playerID) = fileID = addFileAndGetID(file, sseq.dataMergeOptimizationID) data.extend(struct.pack('<3H4Bxx', fileID, unk02, bankID, volume, channelPressure, polyphonicPressure, playerID)) struct.pack_into('<I', data, sseqOffsetsTableOffset + 4 * i, entryOff) # Info part 1: SSAR info_declarePart(1) data.extend(struct.pack('<I', len(self.sequenceArchives))) ssarOffsetsTableOffset = len(data) data.extend(b'\0' * (4 * len(self.sequenceArchives))) for i, (_, ssar) in enumerate(self.sequenceArchives): if ssar is None: entryOff = 0 else: entryOff = len(data) - infoBlockOffset file, unk02, _ = fileID = addFileAndGetID(file, ssar.dataMergeOptimizationID) data.extend(struct.pack('<HH', fileID, unk02)) struct.pack_into('<I', data, ssarOffsetsTableOffset + 4 * i, entryOff) # Info part 2: SBNK info_declarePart(2) data.extend(struct.pack('<I', len(self.banks))) sbnkOffsetsTableOffset = len(data) data.extend(b'\0' * (4 * len(self.banks))) for i, (sbnkName, sbnk) in enumerate(self.banks): if sbnk is None: entryOff = 0 else: entryOff = len(data) - infoBlockOffset file, unk02, waveArchives = fileID = addFileAndGetID(file, sbnk.dataMergeOptimizationID) swarIDs = [] for s in waveArchives: swarIDs.append(-1 if s is None else s) while len(swarIDs) < 4: swarIDs.append(-1) if len(swarIDs) > 4: raise ValueError(f'SBNK {i} ("{sbnkName}") uses ' f'{len(swarIDs)} SWARs. The maximum is 4.') data.extend(struct.pack('<HH4h', fileID, unk02, *swarIDs)) struct.pack_into('<I', data, sbnkOffsetsTableOffset + 4 * i, entryOff) # Info part 3: SWAR info_declarePart(3) data.extend(struct.pack('<I', len(self.waveArchives))) swarOffsetsTableOffset = len(data) data.extend(b'\0' * (4 * len(self.waveArchives))) for i, (_, swar) in enumerate(self.waveArchives): if swar is None: entryOff = 0 else: entryOff = len(data) - infoBlockOffset file, unk02 = fileID = addFileAndGetID(file, swar.dataMergeOptimizationID) data.extend(struct.pack('<HH', fileID, unk02)) struct.pack_into('<I', data, swarOffsetsTableOffset + 4 * i, entryOff) # Info part 4: Sequence players info_declarePart(4) data.extend(struct.pack('<I', len(self.sequencePlayers))) spOffsetsTableOffset = len(data) data.extend(b'\0' * (4 * len(self.sequencePlayers))) for i, (_, sp) in enumerate(self.sequencePlayers): if sp is None: entryOff = 0 else: entryOff = len(data) - infoBlockOffset maxSequences, channels, heapSize = channelMask = 0 for j in range(16): if j in channels: channelMask |= 1 << j data.extend(struct.pack('<HHI', maxSequences, channelMask, heapSize)) struct.pack_into('<I', data, spOffsetsTableOffset + 4 * i, entryOff) # Info part 5: Groups info_declarePart(5) data.extend(struct.pack('<I', len(self.groups))) groupOffsetsTableOffset = len(data) data.extend(b'\0' * (4 * len(self.groups))) for i, (_, group) in enumerate(self.groups): if group is None: entryOff = 0 else: entryOff = len(data) - infoBlockOffset data.extend(struct.pack('<I', len(group))) for gEntry in group: data.extend(struct.pack('<BHxI', * struct.pack_into('<I', data, groupOffsetsTableOffset + 4 * i, entryOff) # Info part 6: Stream players info_declarePart(6) data.extend(struct.pack('<I', len(self.streamPlayers))) spOffsetsTableOffset = len(data) data.extend(b'\0' * (4 * len(self.streamPlayers))) for i, (_, sp) in enumerate(self.streamPlayers): if sp is None: entryOff = 0 else: entryOff = len(data) - infoBlockOffset channels = chanCount = len(channels) while len(channels) < 16: channels.append(0xFF) data.append(chanCount) data.extend(channels) # This has to occur in order for the padding to work out # correctly. Weird, but, what can you do. Might even be # an unknown value. data.extend(b'\0\0\0\0') struct.pack_into('<I', data, spOffsetsTableOffset + 4 * i, entryOff) while len(data) % 4: data.append(0) # Info part 7: Streams info_declarePart(7) data.extend(struct.pack('<I', len(self.streams))) strmOffsetsTableOffset = len(data) data.extend(b'\0' * (4 * len(self.streams))) for i, (_, strm) in enumerate(self.streams): if strm is None: entryOff = 0 else: entryOff = len(data) - infoBlockOffset file, unk02, volume, priority, playerID, unk07 = fileID = addFileAndGetID(file, strm.dataMergeOptimizationID) data.extend(struct.pack('<HH4B4x', fileID, unk02, volume, priority, playerID, unk07)) struct.pack_into('<I', data, strmOffsetsTableOffset + 4 * i, entryOff) # Now we can finally fill the header in. struct.pack_into('<4sI', data, infoBlockOffset, b'INFO', len(data) - infoBlockOffset) infoBlockSize = len(data) - infoBlockOffset # ---------------------- # Make a dummy FAT block, to be filled in when adding to the # FILE block while len(data) % 4: data.append(0) fatBlockOffset = len(data) fatBlockSize = 0xC + 0x10 * len(files) fatTableOffset = fatBlockOffset + 0xC fatHeader = struct.pack('<4sII', b'FAT ', 0xC + 0x10 * len(files), len(files)) data.extend(fatHeader) data.extend(b'\0' * (0x10 * len(files))) # ------------------- # Make the FILE block and fill in the FAT block while len(data) % 4: data.append(0) fileBlockOffset = len(data) # Dummy header (to be filled in after we know the total size) data.extend(b'\0' * 0xC) # Some games align the first file differently if self.firstFileAlignment is not None: while len(data) % self.firstFileAlignment: data.append(0) # Add each file for i, file in enumerate(files): # Files must be aligned to 0x20 relative to the SDAT # itself... usually. Some games align to other amounts. while len(data) % self.fileAlignment: data.append(0) # Actually add the file fileOffset = len(data) data.extend(file) # Add the appropriate FAT entry fLen = len(file) if self.fatLengthsIncludePadding: while fLen % self.fileAlignment: fLen += 1 struct.pack_into('<II', data, fatTableOffset + 0x10 * i, fileOffset, fLen) # And one last pad for good measure. (And because retail files # do so.) if self.padAtEnd: while len(data) % self.fileAlignment: data.append(0) # Add the header struct.pack_into('<4sII', data, fileBlockOffset, b'FILE', len(data) - fileBlockOffset, len(files)) fileBlockSize = len(data) - fileBlockOffset # ----------------------- # Put the blocks together # Write the SDAT header struct.pack_into('<8I', data, 0x10, 0 if symbolsBlockOffset is None else symbolsBlockOffset, 0 if symbolsBlockSize is None else symbolsBlockSize, 0 if infoBlockOffset is None else infoBlockOffset, 0 if infoBlockSize is None else infoBlockSize, 0 if fatBlockOffset is None else fatBlockOffset, 0 if fatBlockSize is None else fatBlockSize, 0 if fileBlockOffset is None else fileBlockOffset, 0 if fileBlockSize is None else fileBlockSize) # Write the standard header to the beginning _common.NDS_STD_FILE_HEADER.pack_into(data, 0, b'SDAT', 0xFEFF, 0x100, len(data), 0x40, 3 if symbolsBlockOffset is None else 4) return data
[docs] def saveToFile(self, filePath): """ Generate file data representing this SDAT, and save it to a filesystem file. """ d = with open(filePath, 'wb') as f: f.write(d)
def __str__(self): return (f'<sdat' f' {len(self.sequences)} sequences' f' {len(self.sequenceArchives)} sequence archives' f' {len(self.banks)} banks' f' {len(self.waveArchives)} wave archives' f' {len(self.sequencePlayers)} sequence players' f' {len(self.groups)} groups' f' {len(self.streamPlayers)} stream players' f' {len(self.streams)} streams>') def __repr__(self): try: data = _common.shortBytesRepr( except Exception: data = '...' return f'{type(self).__name__}({data})'