Source code for ndspy

# Copyright 2019 RoadrunnerWMC
# This file is part of ndspy.
# ndspy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ndspy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ndspy.  If not, see <>.
Functions and classes that don't need their own modules.

import collections
import enum

VERSION = collections.namedtuple('version', 'major minor patch')(4, 1, 0)
try: VERSION.__class__.__name__ = 'ndspy.version'
except: pass

[docs]class Processor(enum.IntEnum): """ An enumeration that can be used to distinguish between the Nintendo DS's two processors. """ ARM9 = 9 ARM7 = 7
[docs]class WaveType(enum.IntEnum): """ An enumeration that distinguishes between the three types of wave data that the Nintendo DS sound hardware understands. """ PCM8 = 0 PCM16 = 1 ADPCM = 2
class Alignment: """ An enumeration that defines common alignment types. """ # Based on Qt's Qt::AlignmentFlag enum, which has always been very # intuitive to use and I've never had a problem with LEFT = 0x01 RIGHT = 0x02 H_CENTER = 0x04 TOP = 0x10 BOTTOM = 0x20 V_CENTER = 0x40 CENTER = H_CENTER | V_CENTER
[docs]def indexInNamedList(L, name): """ Find the index of the item with a particular name in a list containing name-value pairs. """ for i, (nameN, entry) in enumerate(L): if nameN == name: return i raise KeyError(f'{name} not found in the list...')
[docs]def findInNamedList(L, name): """ Find the value of the item with a particular name in a list containing name-value pairs. """ return L[indexInNamedList(L, name)][1]
[docs]def setInNamedList(L, name, value): """ Find the item with a particular name in a list containing name-value pairs, and replace its value with a new one. The previous value is discarded. """ # Can't assign to tuples, so we need to make a new one L[indexInNamedList(L, name)] = (name, value)