Source code for ndspy.code

# Copyright 2019 RoadrunnerWMC
# This file is part of ndspy.
# ndspy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ndspy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ndspy.  If not, see <>.
Support for executable code files.

import struct

from . import _common
from . import codeCompression

# Code settings full struct (from nds-bootstrap):
# typedef struct {
#     u32 auto_load_list_offset;
#     u32 auto_load_list_end;
#     u32 auto_load_start;
#     u32 static_bss_start;
#     u32 static_bss_end;
#     u32 compressed_static_end;
#     u32 sdk_version;
#     u32 nitro_code_be;
#     u32 nitro_code_le;
# } module_params_t;

[docs]class MainCodeFile: """ Either the main ARM7 code file or the main ARM9 code file. """
[docs] class Section: """ A single section within an ARM7 or ARM9 code file. Code not technically contained within a section defined in the sections table in the code settings block is represented as an "implicit" section. """ # There's an implicit first section in the file, which is not # defined in the sections table with the others. This attribute # will be True if this is that section. implicit = False def __init__(self, data, ramAddress, bssSize, *, implicit=False): = bytearray(data) self.ramAddress = ramAddress self.bssSize = bssSize self.implicit = implicit def __str__(self): data = _common.shortBytesRepr( imp = ' implicit' if self.implicit else '' return f'<code-section at 0x{self.ramAddress:08X}: {data}{imp}>' def __repr__(self): data = _common.shortBytesRepr( return (f'{type(self).__name__}({data}' f', 0x{self.ramAddress:08X}' f', 0x{self.bssSize:X}' f'{", implicit=True" if self.implicit else ""})')
sections = None ramAddress = 0x00000000 codeSettingsOffs = 0x00000000 def __init__(self, data, ramAddress, codeSettingsPointerAddress=None): self.sections = [] self.ramAddress = ramAddress data = codeCompression.decompress(data) self.codeSettingsOffs = None if codeSettingsPointerAddress: # (codeSettingsPointerAddress might be None if it's not # available, or 0 if the ROM has it set to 0) try: codeSettingsAddr, = struct.unpack_from( '<I', data, codeSettingsPointerAddress - ramAddress - 4) self.codeSettingsOffs = codeSettingsAddr - ramAddress assert 0 <= self.codeSettingsOffs < len(data) - 4 except Exception: # Something was probably out of range. Fall back to the # manual search self.codeSettingsOffs = None if self.codeSettingsOffs is None: # Manual search algorithm used as a fallback self.codeSettingsOffs = self._searchForCodeSettingsOffs(data) if self.codeSettingsOffs is not None: copyTableBegin, copyTableEnd, dataBegin = \ struct.unpack_from('<3I', data, self.codeSettingsOffs) copyTableBegin -= ramAddress copyTableEnd -= ramAddress dataBegin -= ramAddress else: # No code settings, so the entire file is one implied section copyTableBegin = copyTableEnd = 0 dataBegin = len(data) def makeSection(ramAddr, ramLen, fileOffs, bssSize, implicit=False): sdata = data[fileOffs : fileOffs + ramLen] self.sections.append(self.Section(sdata, ramAddr, bssSize, implicit=implicit)) # Implicit first section makeSection(ramAddress, dataBegin, 0, 0, implicit=True) copyTablePos = copyTableBegin while copyTablePos < copyTableEnd: secRamAddr, secSize, bssSize = \ struct.unpack_from('<3I', data, copyTablePos) copyTablePos += 12 makeSection(secRamAddr, secSize, dataBegin, bssSize) dataBegin += secSize
[docs] @classmethod def fromCompressed(cls, data, *args): """ Create a main code file from compressed code data. This function is a bit outdated, since the default constructor can now detect code compression. There is no real reason to use this function anymore, and it may be removed at some point. Parameters are the same as those of the default constructor. """ data = codeCompression.decompress(data) return cls(data, *args)
[docs] @classmethod def fromSections(cls, sections, ramAddress): """ Create a main code file from a list of sections. """ self = cls(b'', ramAddress) self.sections = sections return self
[docs] @classmethod def fromFile(cls, filePath, ramAddress): """ Load a main code file from a filesystem file. """ with open(filePath, 'rb') as f: return cls(, ramAddress)
[docs] def save(self, *, compress=False): """ Generate a bytes object representing this code file. """ data = bytearray() for s in self.sections: data.extend( # Align to 0x04 while len(data) % 4: data.append(0) # These loops are NOT identical! # The first one only operates on sections with length != 0, # and the second operates on sections with length == 0! sectionTable = bytearray() for s in self.sections: if s.implicit: continue if len( == 0: continue sectionTable.extend( struct.pack('<3I', s.ramAddress, len(, s.bssSize)) for s in self.sections: if s.implicit: continue if len( != 0: continue sectionTable.extend( struct.pack('<3I', s.ramAddress, len(, s.bssSize)) sectionTableOffset = len(data) data.extend(sectionTable) def setInt(addr, val): struct.pack_into('<I', data, addr, val) sectionTableAddr = self.ramAddress + sectionTableOffset sectionTableEnd = sectionTableAddr + len(sectionTable) cso = self.codeSettingsOffs if cso is not None: setInt(cso + 0x00, sectionTableAddr) setInt(cso + 0x04, sectionTableEnd) setInt(cso + 0x08, self.ramAddress + len(self.sections[0].data)) else: # Welp, hopefully we only have one section :P pass if compress: data = bytearray(codeCompression.compress(data, True)) setInt(cso + 0x14, self.ramAddress + len(data)) else: setInt(cso + 0x14, 0) return data
[docs] def saveToFile(self, filePath, *, compress=False): """ Generate file data representing this main code file, and save it to a filesystem file. """ d = with open(filePath, 'wb') as f: f.write(d)
def _searchForCodeSettingsOffs(self, data): """ Find the offset of the code settings area in the data given. Return None if it can't be found. """ # Simple heuristic that works in most arm9.bin's: for i in range(0, 0x8000, 4): if data[i:i+8] == b'\x21\x06\xC0\xDE\xDE\xC0\x06\x21': return i - 0x1C # But to support arm7, which lacks that magic, we can fall back # to a different heuristic based on the assumption that the code # section table will be the very last thing in the code file. # Which... isn't a great assumption, but it's the best I've got # right now. expectedTableEnd = self.ramAddress + len(data) expectedTableEndBytes = struct.pack('<I', expectedTableEnd) if expectedTableEndBytes in data: try: match = data.index(expectedTableEndBytes, 0) except ValueError: match = None while match is not None: possibleTableStart, = struct.unpack_from('<I', data, match - 4) if (possibleTableStart % 4 == 0 and (expectedTableEnd - possibleTableStart) % 12 == 0 and expectedTableEnd - possibleTableStart < 0x100): # Probably a match return match - 4 try: match = data.index(expectedTableEndBytes, match + 1) except ValueError: match = None def __str__(self): linesList = [f'<main-code at 0x{self.ramAddress:08X}'] for s in self.sections: linesList.append(f' {s}') linesList.append('>') return '\n'.join(linesList) def __repr__(self): return (f'{type(self).__name__}.fromSections({self.sections!r}' f', 0x{self.ramAddress:08X})')
[docs]class Overlay: """ An ARM7 or ARM9 code overlay. """ data = None ramAddress = 0x00000000 ramSize = 0 bssSize = 0 staticInitStart = 0x00000000 staticInitEnd = 0x00000000 fileID = 0 compressedSize = 0 flags = 0 unkAddress = 0x00000000 def __init__(self, data, ramAddress, ramSize, bssSize, staticInitStart, staticInitEnd, fileID, compressedSize, flags): self.ramAddress = ramAddress self.ramSize = ramSize self.bssSize = bssSize self.staticInitStart = staticInitStart self.staticInitEnd = staticInitEnd self.fileID = fileID self.compressedSize = compressedSize self.flags = flags if self.compressed: = bytearray(codeCompression.decompress(data)) else: = bytearray(data) @property def compressed(self): return bool(self.flags & 1) @compressed.setter def compressed(self, value): if value: self.flags |= 1 else: self.flags &= ~1 @property def verifyHash(self): return bool(self.flags & 2) @verifyHash.setter def verifyHash(self, value): if value: self.flags |= 2 else: self.flags &= ~2
[docs] def save(self, *, compress=False): """ Generate a bytes object representing this overlay. """ self.ramSize = len( if compress: data = codeCompression.compress(, False) else: data = self.compressedSize = len(data) self.compressed = compress return data
def __str__(self): fields = [] fields.append('at 0x%08X' % self.ramAddress) fields.append(f'file={self.fileID}') if self.compressed: fields.append('compressed') if self.verifyHash: fields.append('verify-hash') return f'<overlay {" ".join(fields)}>' def __repr__(self): fields = [] fields.append(_common.shortBytesRepr( fields.append('0x%08X' % self.ramAddress) fields.append('0x%X' % self.ramSize) fields.append('0x%X' % self.bssSize) fields.append('0x%08X' % self.staticInitStart) fields.append('0x%08X' % self.staticInitEnd) fields.append(repr(self.fileID)) fields.append('0x%X' % self.compressedSize) fields.append('0x%X' % self.flags) return f'{type(self).__name__}({", ".join(fields)})'
[docs]def loadOverlayTable(tableData, fileCallback, idsToLoad=None): """ Parse ARM7 or ARM9 overlay table data to create a dictionary of Overlays. This is the inverse of saveOverlayTable(). """ ovs = {} for i in range(0, len(tableData), 32): (ovID, ramAddr, ramSize, bssSize, staticInitStart, staticInitEnd, fileID, compressedSize_Flags) = struct.unpack_from('<8I', tableData, i) if idsToLoad is not None and ovID not in idsToLoad: continue fileData = fileCallback(ovID, fileID) ovs[ovID] = Overlay(fileData, ramAddr, ramSize, bssSize, staticInitStart, staticInitEnd, fileID, compressedSize_Flags & 0xFFFFFF, compressedSize_Flags >> 24) return ovs
[docs]def saveOverlayTable(table): """ Generate a bytes object representing this dictionary of Overlays, in proper ARM7 or ARM9 overlay table format. This is the inverse of loadOverlayTable(). """ if not table: return b'' ovt = bytearray() # Ensure that we loop over overlay IDs in order for ovId in sorted(table): ov = table[ovId] values = [] values.append(ovId) # 0x00 values.append(ov.ramAddress) # 0x04 values.append(ov.ramSize) # 0x08 values.append(ov.bssSize) # 0x0C values.append(ov.staticInitStart) # 0x10 values.append(ov.staticInitEnd) # 0x14 values.append(ov.fileID) # 0x18 values.append(ov.compressedSize | ov.flags << 24) # 0x1C ovt.extend(struct.pack('<8I', *values)) return ovt